Contact Us

Unrivaled Shower and Bath specializes in bathroom remodeling projects. From Tub-to-Shower conversions, walk-in tubs, bathtubs, ADA units, and shower conversions, Unrivaled Shower and Bath has your bathing and safety needs covered! When it comes to your bathroom remodeling needs, we believe in using only products we trust in our own homes. Call or message today to schedule a measurement and get a transparent upfront price.


Contact us

Get in touch with us

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have a question about our services, want to schedule a free consultation, or need more information, we’re here to help. Reach out to us today and start your bathroom transformation journey.


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Our Financing Options

Financing Your Bathroom Remodel

Whether you’re interested in a new shower, walk-in tub, or full bathroom remodel, we have financing solutions that can be tailored to fit your budget and needs. With our easy-to-apply financing plans, you can spread out the cost of your project and get started without delay.

Flexible Payment Plans

Choose a plan that works for you with affordable monthly payments.

No Hidden Fees

The price you see is the price you pay—no surprises along the way.

Our office

Office location

We’d love to welcome you to our office to discuss your bathroom remodeling needs in person. Here’s where you can find us:

Our main office

242 W. Main St. Montrose, CO 81401